Thread: Weight Watchers
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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Weight Watchers

Om wrote:

>> Summer is coming on, and there will be the inevitable rash of kids who
>> die because their parents leave them in the car while they run into the
>> store for "just a few minutes." When confronted, some of those parents
>> will say, "You can't criticize me unless you have kids of your own."
>> That's logically IDENTICAL to the argument you're putting forth. I'm sure
>> that you already know that, and you're just trying to bait me. It's not
>> going to work. You have to give me a REAL reason to build the web site.

> Oh please...
> Bad parenting and responsibility for living humans (children) has Jack
> Schidt to do with owning a freakin' website!
> How dare you make that kind of comparison?

Oh please...

Posting to RFC has Jack Schidt to do with building a web site!
How dare you make that kind of comparison?

The analogy was to the LOGICAL FALLACY involved: "You can't criticize ____
unless you are in a proprietary situation for ____"

Your logic is simply wrong. And I'm sure that you KNOW that already; you're
just prolonging the discussion because you hope to bait me into building a
web site. Or maybe you're just enjoying the argument.
