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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Book: Charcuterie and French Swine Cookery?

In article >,
"Stormmee" > wrote:

> > That microwave egg cooker is currently one of my most frequently used
> > gadgets...

> which one did you get for the nuker? Lee

I actually bought three different ones and use all three, but the one to
make soft or hard boiled eggs is the one I use the most. Makes them
peel like a dream too and you put the eggs in there whole, in the shell:


I also bought the Nordicware Microwave Omelet pan and the flat 4 cell
poacher. The poacher cooks eggs in one minute flat (or less) and I make
the omelet in 2 parts and it cooks in 50 seconds in my oven. :-) The
poacher has a good cover and it's the only one where I get a little bit
of white popping but it's no big deal.

The egg shaped hard boiler does a good soft boil in 5 minutes and hard
boiled in 7 minutes and no exploding eggs at all! It has an inner
aluminum chamber I think that prevents that. It essentially steam cooks
Peace! Om

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