Thread: Weight Watchers
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Weight Watchers

Omelet wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
>> >>> Om... ever the diplomat!
>> >>>
>> >>> Andy
>> >>
>> >> no kidding. just the other day i saw her calling a bunch of people 'fags.'
>> >>
>> >> blake
>> >
>> > Cite please?
>> > That one is not part of my vocabulary!

>> 'twas a joke, honey.
>> your pal,
>> blake

>Thanks. Apologies for the paranoia. ;-)

Why apologize, that just drags it out, draws more attention, and adds
a negative connotation where none existed... they're fags... why not
call something what it is? I really don't want to know anyones sexual
orientation on a cooking group but if folks insist on coming out of
their closets here and announce their oddness/queerness/fruitiness (OB
food) then they are fags... there is nothing negative about the term
fag until folks complain about it... it's only the complaining that's
negative. It's not possible for the term fag to be negative or the
fags wouldn't announce that they're fags... and no one here would know
except that the fags are so proud of their faggotness that they need
to advertize the fact... it's like the mick, all those years I never
knew the mick had no legs, and I really didn't need to know, I just
thought of the mick as a skinny vulva faced Irish person... but he is
so proud of his legglessness that he felt compelled to announce his
oddity on a cooking group, so when folks tease him he has no bitch...
he himself gave up his right to throw stones when he lives in a glass
house. I think *** has more negative connotation than fag... to me
*** conjures up the image of a lip wristed flaming lisper... growing
up to me a fag was a smoke.... I'm sure there were plenty of old, now
edited, flicks where say the Rat Pack asked could they bum a fag...
"bum a fag"... ahahahahaha... so, Om... when are all those rfc'ers who
enjoy receiving anal sex gonna announce... are you gonna appologize
for their proclivity... any special foods they enjoy that you're gonna
prepare to assauge their, um irritatedness? LOL