Weight Watchers
On Tue, 11 May 2010 04:34:29 -0700 (PDT), Food SnobŪ
> wrote:
>On May 7, 4:53*pm, "Jinx Minx" > wrote:
>> "Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > Okay, who here has tried this program? NutraSystem? Jenny Craig? What are
>> > the pros and cons.......
>> > -ginny
>> Stick with the Weight Watchers. *It's the cheapest option overall
>> (significantly!!), and it teaches you how to read food labels and make
>> better food choices (as well as portion control). *
>Or stop eating carbohydrates. Ketogenic diets burn fat, including
>your own.
What a crock of shit... if folks would get up off their fat butts,
stay away from the kitchen, and move around some so that they actually
sweat they'd be able to eat pretty much whatever and wouldn't be
forever searching for that elusive fountain of slimness. There is no
fercocktah diet that can rationalize away lazyassedness. Obeastiness
is epidemic today because when folks ain't sleeping they're on their
butts eating... there is no way to rationalize that sitting at a desk
is work... at best all that means is that they're not in bed asleep...
even asleep is better than at a desk, at least when you're asleep ya
not stuffing yer fat gut.