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pltrgyst[_2_] pltrgyst[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 530
Default Can opener ****ing you off?

On Tue, 11 May 2010 12:29:54 -0400, "cybercat" > wrote:

>I use plenty of canned beans, canned tomatoes, and lately, canned broth and
>soups. All my vegetables except peas are always fresh. (We like the little
>tiny baby early etc. peas.) To dipshit "pltrgst" or whatever, to say that
>people posting in a cooking group open only one can a week is just you
>trying to be snotty and winding up sounding stupid.

Maybe you're just too stupid to parse or understand "kind of surprising", eh?

It simply occurred to me that the only canned goods found in our house and used
regularly happen to be tomatoes, plus the odd can of baked beans or jellied
cranberry sauce. We're likely to have many more things in jars.

I am surprised that anyone would be using canned broth, since there are so many
other packaging options (e.g., cartons) these days with contents higher in
flavor and lower in sodium. And if you have broth, it takes about ten minutes
to make soup, from opening the carton to eating the result.

-- Larry