"A Moose In Love" > wrote in message
On May 12, 9:13 am, brad herschel > wrote:
> On May 11, 10:58 pm, Winston_Smith > wrote:
> > Here, children, is exactly how the US goes under.
> >http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article19021.html
> > Greece's bill is due
> > Scroll down to
> > "This next chart (also from Grice) is the real
> > kicker...http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/images/2010/Apr/outstanding-debt-042310..."
> > In case it's hard to see, the print at the top reads: "% of stock of
> > outstanding debt to be issued this year; Greece is nearly best in
> > class!"
> > The red portion of each bar represents maturing bonds - debt that will
> > need to be "rolled over" soon. The gray portion is new issuance. And
> > who is the big kahuna by this measure? That would be the USA (the tall
> > bar on the far left).
> > The US like everyone else has bond debt that matures and has to be
> > replaced by selling new bonds. It is still an open question as to who
> > will still be standing to supply Uncle Sam with the many trillions he
> > needs to borrow, just to keep the whole scheme afloat.
> > ===
> > With the ObamaDebt approaching $13
> > trillion.http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article19011.html
> Watch the Wall Street schumucks as collapse approaches. Best show in
> town, if you are in gold, guns,
> or cash)
> Brad- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
guns are good. cash can go to near zero. gold is pretty safe, but if
there are only a few people holding food, then it may take much gold
to purchase food. i'm assuming a total collapse here along with
complete chaos.
Yes, with resultant anarchy, bloodshed and perhaps even cannibalism.
Hopefully it tastes like chicken.