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Michael Black[_2_] Michael Black[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 24
Default Carrots and fruit juicers

On Wed, 12 May 2010, john hamilton wrote:

> "brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Tue, 11 May 2010 10:19:42 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
>> > wrote:
>>> On May 11, 12:22 pm, wrote:
>>>> Cindy Hamilton > wrote:
>>>>> Unless you're on a low-residue diet, just eat the carrots. That's my
>>>>> advice.
>>>> why?
>>>> I juice fresh carrots with a VitaMix and love it!!
>>>> also make fresh orange juice and others types of juices
>>> Fiber, mainly.
>>> I prefer to eat my food rather than to drink it. It is more
>>> satisfying.

>> Well, obviously a lot of folks don't have teeth... must be the
>> UKers... they can't even chew a sandwich unless it's cucumber on soft
>> white with no crust... ever notice how all UK cusine can be gummed;
>> fish n' chips, mashed spuds, cooked to death stew... they even suck
>> spotted dick! LOL

> even if they were like you think, there's no competition in the weight
> department; would you say?
> All this spiel in the postings about 'i wouldnt want to juice' without
> considering why someone else might want to.

Except, juicing seems to be a hobby in itself, someone thinks it's a great
idea nutritionally, runs out and buys an expensive juicer, and then
proceeds to turn everything in sight into juice. They've been somehow
convinced that juice is better than the original product, so they turn it
into juice.

Yes, there may be reasons why a specific person needs things turned into
a liquid. But there seems to be a whole lot more people who think juicing
is good in itself, and that's where the "what's the point?" questions
come in.
