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Kalmia Kalmia is offline
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Default O/T: Clothes Lines

On May 13, 9:24*am, Cindy Hamilton >
> On May 12, 10:38*pm, "Lew Hodgett" > wrote:
> <snipped>
> Here's what I think of clotheslines:
> 1. *I have better things to do than stand around pinning up clothes
> 2. *I prefer my clothes to be soft, smell like the dryer, and not
> require
> ironing
> 3. *I prefer not to have birdshit on my freshly washed clothes

> You can keep your nostalgia.
> Cindy Hamilton

I'm with you. I had to deal with a ringer washer and clotheslines on
pulleys as a kid. In the winter, bring in those towels which were
frozen boards and let em dry on a rack after 3 days of waiting for a
thaw. And bring em in before it rains. And NEVER have laundry still
on the line on a Sunday. I know all about it. My mother knew the

And I DON'T care for the fresh cotton smell, Yankee candles be

As to my electricity usage, I'd rather give up a night or two of the
drivel on tv than stop using my dryer. I had enuf of clothesline
drying. I DO keep a folding rack tho, to dry delicate sheer curtains
etc on a nice day out on the deck.

I lived in a place where clotheslines were frowned upon, as well as
trucks, rvs and boats in the driveway. I can understand it - some ppl
would leave laundry on the line for days and it looked like the devil.