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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default O/T: Clothes Lines

itsjoannotjoann wrote:

> Ummmmmm, I still use a clothes line. I used mine today to hang out
> sheets and yes, I have a clothes pin bag, too. Clothes pins left on
> the line get dirty and transfer that dirt to your freshly washed
> items. But I usually stop using it sometime in November and start up
> again in April.

We use ours all the time. We rarely use the dryer. We tend to schedule
our laundry to make the most of good drying days. For some reason,
Tuesday tends to be laundry day, but this week if it likely to be
delayed until Saturday because it has been raining all week. What we
generally do is to put the laundry in the machine at night with a
delayed start. It is usually towels and other heavy items that take
longer to dry. First thing in the morning we take that load out and
hang it on the line and start another load. We can get at least two big
loads on the line. I have been known to hang a load on a rainy evening
if the forecast is for clear skies in the morning.

We use our line all year long. It just takes longer to dry.