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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Need help with sweet empanadas

Ranée at Arabian Knits > wrote:

> Seriously? Do you think other parents or the school are going to get
> worked up over vanilla? Somehow a bottle of Cognac seems more likely to
> push anti-alcohol people over the edge far more than vanilla extract.
> Muslims and Mormons will, for the most part, still use vanilla extract,
> for instance, but won't get wine, beer or liquor.

I'm not sure if Muslims use alcohol extracts, but I do know they
are not available in the mid-east and Pakistani stores around here.
There a number of aquaeous extracts though, of things like orange
and rose.

Now I'm thinking that the popularity of preserved lemon might
have something to do with avoidance of lemon extract -- both
concentrate the oil component of the lemon flavor (the zest, as
opposed to the juice component).
