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Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,,,,uk.d-i-y
pete pete is offline
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Posts: 3
Default What are currently your best saving tips ?

On Thu, 13 May 2010 18:44:58 -0700 (PDT), Eric wrote:
> What are currently your best saving tips you recommend and also
> practice, relating
> to how you make your money go much further than it used to, whether
> it's for
> food - weekly living expenses, home and financial investment, etc.

Consume less - don't buy so much food just to throw half of it away
Turn the heating down - wear a sweater, put another blanket on the bed
dump the TV subscription - you don't watch most of it anyway
lose the smartphone - should be obvious
don't have kids - probably the biggest single saving you'll ever make
walk - if you're able-bodied, anything less than a mile should be on foot
cancel the gym subscription - you probably never even went once
use gas for heating - turn off the elctric fires
don't wash your clothes after 1 wearing - saves power and they'll last longer
use a laptop, not a desktop PC - less power hungry and hibernates better