O/T: Clothes Lines
sofat wrote:
>fartgirl wrote:
>>"jmcquown" wrote:
>> >
>> > The HOA here would frown upon such a thing. *No one wants to see laundry
>> > flapping in the breeze. *I haven't seen a clothes line since the 1970's and
>> > hope not to see one any time soon.
>> >
>> "No one"? Since when do you get to speak for the
>> entire world?
>> If you don't want to see someone's clean clothing drying on a
>> clothesline, don't look.
>> Smoking in public is far more offensive than clean clothing hanging
>> outside to dry.
>It's a free world and your sentiments go both ways. If you don't
>agree with the HOA, don't buy a home there.
Not to worry... I seriously doubt Jill is going to want to live in
either of your trailer trash parks/ghettos... especially not with
yoose shit stained bloomers what can sail the QE II flappin' in the
breeze. LOL-LOL