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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default REC Pasulj (Serbian Bean Soup)

On Thu, 13 May 2010 21:59:49 -0500, Lou Decruss wrote:

> On Thu, 13 May 2010 12:27:43 -0400, blake murphy
> > wrote:
>>On Wed, 12 May 2010 21:05:50 -0500, Lou Decruss wrote:
>>> On Wed, 12 May 2010 17:32:08 -0700 (PDT), aem >
>>> wrote:
>>>>There's no way to know for sure but their age probably caused the long
>>>>cooking time. There's two good results here -- for one, you've now
>>>>used up these ancient beans, and for two, you'll be receptive to my
>>>>rule for making any kind of bean soup. It's a two part rule: first,
>>>>cook your beans; second, make your soup. Combining these steps can
>>>>work and save time, but it can also fail. Separating the steps cannot
>>> I like that rule. I'll remember it.
>>>>If you like this kind of thing, look up Senate Bean Soup threads on
>>>>rfc. It's quite tasty.
>>> Yep! RFC is probably a better place to search than the web. There's
>>> some bad recipes out there. I see Paula Deen has one that doesn't
>>> even have a ham bone. Just a slice of ham. Weird.
>>> Lou

>>i've used what's labeled as 'country ham chips' (at my grocery, found in
>>the meat case along with ham slices) before with good success. be wary of
>>adding additional salt, though.

> I've never seen that. Out of curiosity I'll keep an eye out but hocks
> are only a buck a pound.
> Lou

i know folks get tired of my bitching about meat price in maryland, but i'm
pretty sure they are around $2.80 a pound or so here. ain't nothing for a
buck, except maybe beef liver or heart, and i'm guessing that's higher as

your pal,