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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default O/T: Clothes Lines

Dave Smith > wrote:

>Lew Hodgett wrote:

>> "Dave Smith" wrote:

>>> I have a lot less trouble with seeing laundry lines that a lot of
>>> other things you see in some people's yards. Someone on a nearby
>>> street has an RV and two large boats (on trailers), two of them on
>>> the driveway and one on the street, switching them around
>>> occasionally. IMO, that is an eyesore.

>> You obviously don't live in SoCal.

>> Typically, RV's have to be kept off site, not at home, thus there are
>> lots of RV storage yards.

>No. I live in southern Ontario. I am in a rural area, homes with large
>properties mixed with small farms. Just about every everyone around
>here has clothes lines, but there is enough space between houses that
>some things can be in plain view in the yard and not be in the
>neighbour's faces.

>When we moved out here it was a toss up between two different houses,
>this one and one around the corner. I am glad we did not take the other
>one. The house next to the other one has turned into a residential junk
>yard. The guy has a boat, a dog house, a couple cars on blocks, old lawn
>mowers and other crap lying around. It is a regular hillbilly heaven.

Just as a datapoint, in most areas of California, you can leave
any vehicle in a developed parking area (driveway or garage)
on your property, sometimes with a required set-back from
the street, but you cannot just have vehicles parked in the middle
of your lawn. Many people have an RV pulled into their driveway
and there are few if any jurisdictions where they must be off-site.

Putting in a driveway requires zoning and permit adherence,
so you can't just up and pour a new driveway for your RV.
