Thread: Scallop pizza
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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Scallop pizza

On Thu, 13 May 2010 18:39:42 -0500, Pete C. wrote:

> Plumped, phosphated scallops are white, non treated are cream /
> off-white. The non-treated scallops are often labeled dry-packed.

"Dry Scallops", yes.

Never seen the term "dry packed", but that would seem appropriate as

The way I've had it described to me is that you could put a teaspoon
of TSP dissolved in 8oz of hot water into a 2 pound bag of scallops,
shake. In 8-10 hours there would be practically no water left in
the bag. Shake again and 1 hour later, no water.

Nowadays I'm sure they vacuum them for maximum "processing
efficiency". It's use as a preservative has never been proven, yet
they keep adding more and more of it. The USDA is hard at work
enforcing the use of TSP.

It's no wonder why they haven't discovered an opposite chemical that
will suck just the water (and just the water) out of meat, poultry
and seafood so that it concentrates flavor. I wonder if wrapping a
steak in Depends would work?
