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dsi1[_9_] dsi1[_9_] is offline
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Posts: 598
Default Grilled shrimp for tomorrow

On 5/14/2010 9:02 PM, gtr wrote:
> On 2010-05-14 22:38:04 -0700, dsi1 said:
>> On 5/14/2010 5:04 PM, sf wrote:
>>> On Fri, 14 May 2010 16:29:13 -1000, dsi1
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Tricky, I'm glad you guys are getting smarter! :-)
>>> Glad? Are you selling something too?

>> I feel sorry for these spammers - they think people are gonna see
>> cheap shoes and tennis rackets and watches and go click click but
>> invariably they're disappointed. They saw an ad for making thousands
>> of bucks in their spare time on late night television and gave some
>> slick a bunch of cash in hopes of building a better life but the
>> reality is they just got taken for a ride. Well, that's just how I
>> like to imagine these guys and their futile efforts. Heck, it could
>> happen.

> If they didn't make any sales off this approach they wouldn't be doing it.
> Some, among the many viewers here, are *responding*! Thank about that
> for a minute. Creepy isn't it!?

I checked out the links. it's a pretty dicey proposition for the buyer.
You're expected to shell out $100 - $200 or so for a fake watch that may
or may not be shipped out to you. Their policy states the if your
shipment is lost or seized(!), they immediately ship you another watch.
My guess is that you'll probably end up with nothing or an awful $10
watch. Oh well, there's always eBay. :-)