Thread: Olive oil dip
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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Olive oil dip

Omelet > wrote:

> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote:

>> I've paid over $20 for really good oil.

>Is there really that big of a difference? I may try it, but I'd need
>some brand advice!

>I'm one of those that thinks that many inexpensive wines are just as
>good (if not better in flavor) than the wines priced beyond my means...
>I've tasted $150.00 per flagon Champagne at a party (just once,
>granted!) and it was absolutely VILE.

I'll go out on a limb and state that wine is more of an acquired
taste than olive oil. It took me years, decades in some cases,
to really start appreciating certain wine varieties and regions.

Back to olive oil. I don't know if there is an Italian olive
oil that is distributed nationwide in the U.S. that is really
in the superb category, so it's difficult to suggest a brand.
Is there someone in your city who imports Italian wine? They
will also have olive oil.
