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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Default salmon chowder tonights dinner

Clueless AOL newbie Sheldon "Pussy" Katz wrote:

> Cabbage and seafood are both powerful and very distinct flavors that
> do not compliment each other, they clash.
> Guilding the lily usually turns out to be TIAD... your only saving
> grace is that you didn't add mushrooms... then it would be BAD (Baboon
> Assface Disease). LOL

Poor thick-witted newbie, never heard of coulibiac. Such ignorance.

This French adaptation of the Russian original (kulebiaka ) consists of a
creamy melange of fresh salmon, rice, hard-cooked eggs, mushrooms,
shallots and dill enclosed in a hot pastry envelope. The pastry is
usually made with BRIOCHE dough. Coulibiacs can be large or small but are
classically oval in shape. They can be served as a first or main course.


Bob, laughing at the newbie's "guilding the lily"