O/T: Clothes Lines
On Mon, 17 May 2010 14:38:04 -0700, Samantha Hill
> wrote:
> Pete C. wrote:
> >
> > The rest of CA's bankruptcy is due it's insane nanny entitlement state,
> > that is driving the productive workers and businesses out of the state
> > in droves, never to return, resulting in even more burden being shifted
> > to the remaining taxpayer, driving them out, etc. in a lovely welfare
> > death spiral that will ultimately end in total bankruptcy as you run out
> > of other people's money to fund the insane entitlements.
> I live here and except that you omitted the innumerable ballot
> propositions stated by petitions that propose to spend more money by
> issuing general obligation (read: unsecured) bonds without providing a
> way to pay the money back regardless of what they want the money for, I
> think you have it pretty much nailed.
Don't forget the governor who would not allow the car tax to go back
to the level it should have been when the lowered rate expired. It
had been lowered during good economic times by the previous governor
as "rebate" to tax payers. The new one came in on a "no new taxes"
platform and that was his stand, yeah. Well it's not a *new* tax,
buddy. Five years later, multiply the state debt by what the car tax
would have brought into the coffers and hmmm. He was a fool.
Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.