In article >, Rodney
Myrvaagnes > wrote:
> On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 22:27:52 -0500, Dick Margulis >
> wrote:
> >> If anyone wants to see pictures of the place (including the oven!),
> >> just click below:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Boron
> >
> >
> >That sounds like a wonderful resource, especially for urban/suburban
> >types who think milk comes from cartons!
> They came to the Union Square Greenmarket (NYC) this morning and I
> bought pieces of the three cheeses they brought in. We now have four
> artisanal cheesemakers coming in through a week. 2 with cows, and one
> each sheep and goats.
> Rodney Myrvaagnes NYC J36 Gjo/a
> "Religious wisdom is to wisdom as military music is to music."
Does that greenmarket at Union Square happen all year long or is it
seasonal? If seasonal, when does it end? And will you be coming to
Margaret's brunch on Saturday, December 6? You're invited, you know.
-Barb ( updated 10-16-03; check the PickleHats tab, too.)