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Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,,,,uk.d-i-y
Bob F Bob F is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 67
Default What are currently your best saving tips ?

keith wrote:
> On May 18, 9:54 pm, "Bob F" > wrote:
>> keith wrote:
>>> On May 18, 10:13 am, "Bob F" > wrote:
>>>> keith wrote:
>>>>>>> ...and that water in the return line never gets hot? ...or it
>>>>>>> never cools off? You're FOS

>>>>>> Well, look at it this way:

>>>>>> The water in the return line is probably close to room
>>>>>> temperature. He only
>>>>>> has to heat it from room temperature to his target temperature.
>>>>>> If he was pulling in cold water from underground, his heater
>>>>>> would have a lot more work to do. Yes, there are losses when
>>>>>> he's done using hot water, but probably not as great as the
>>>>>> usage from heating up all of that
>>>>>> 40 F water.

>>>>> But it's the *same* loss as that in the supply line, i.e. twice
>>>>> the loss.

>>>> Must be nice to know it all.

>>>> But you are wrong. Enough said.

>>> If you believe this you're amazingly stupid.

>> LOL!

> Your ignorance isn't that funny.

My ignorance is smarter than your brilliance.