Geoff Lock <glock@home> wrote in :
> On 19/05/2010 2:17 PM, . wrote:
>> As I was staying near Chinatown, it was natural to partake of a fair bit
>> of oriental fare. For the most part it was same-same at basically any
>> Oriental joint you go to anywhere in the western world.
> So what did you think of the cow offal + wontan with boiled noodles
> tossed in black soya sauce? Or did you have the soup version?
I tried to stick to non-offal items, and nothing was 'tossed' in soy-sauce,
unless I dipped it myself.
Peter Lucas
The Gunfighters Rule:
"Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one. Be polite.
Be professional. But,above all else,have a plan to kill everyone you meet."