The end of a Usenet era
On May 20, 9:00*pm, Sqwertz > wrote:
> On Thu, 20 May 2010 19:24:02 -0700, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> > Steve wrote:
> >> BTW, Usenet will be down for a week following the Duke server
> >> shutdown so that the routing tables onthe other servers can be
> >> redefined. Posting during that time will just make the process take
> >> longer. So please refrain from posting, stu, or you'll screw it up
> >> for all of us.
> > LOL That's right up there with the one about blowing dust out of the phone
> > lines.
> That's true, too. *With the price of copper what it is now, they're
> making hollow-core copper wires.
That's what the Internet is: a series of hollow copper tubes.
>*The resulting surface area is 60%
> greater allowing faster and clearer telephone and DSL
> communications.
> After installation of underground wiring, they have to blow out the
> lines. *And overhead lines are prone to condensation which attracts
> dust.
> -sw