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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Old Belgian Cookbook \ Old cookbooks in general.

Jen P. wrote:
> On 19/05/2010 16:34, Jean B. wrote:
>> Oh! I was recently musing that perhaps one should make one's own
>> soap--esp. liquid soap. After the dreaded move, and when I am (in
>> theory) more organized, I will check the old books. I also have some
>> books on making one's own cosmetics and such... somewhere.

> I've never had much luck with liquid soap (I won't describe it - it'll
> put you off your breakfast!), but the bar sort I make is much better for
> my skin than the shop-bought stuff (sorry - that sounded egotistical!
> Any home made soap, not just mine!). It's the salt in most name brands
> - I'm talking real soap, not detergents - that makes it so drying. They
> put the salt in to separate the soap curds from the glycerine, which is
> the moisturising agent and can be sold separately, and it also makes a
> hard bar more quickly. It just leaves you with a splitting, dried out
> husk at the end of the bar, though, and skin in not much better shape.
> Yergh. heh If you decide to give it a go, try getting hold of Susan
> Miller-Cavitch's Soapmaker's Companion. It's got a lot of good, basic
> info about the hows and whys of soapmaking.
> -Jen

Thanks again, Jen! I will save this for future reference.
Interesting about the salt. I will have to scrutinize the soap
labels too, I see.

Jean B.