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Steve Freides[_2_] Steve Freides[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 1,879
Default Burgers - what do you do?

Andy wrote:

> I'm a big fan of buffalo burgers.

> Now I get the "Carmen Creek" box of frozen buffalo burgers at Whole
> Foods. If interested, ring up your store and ask the butcher first.
> They just don't farm as much buffalo in this world as fast as they do
> steer and I've left empty handed many times.

I've always stayed away from buffalo because I heard it was very lean,
and I generally don't like that. I'll have to give them a try as I shop
at my local Whole Foods all the time because it's only a walk (about a
mile) away.

> The T.J. boxed frozen buffalo burgers are grain fed. There's a
> package of supermarket "fresh" ground buffalo (in a square tray),
> also grain fed. What does grain fed buffalo taste like? Like ordinary
> beef! If you blind tasted grain fed buffalo you'd guess beef!!!

> Bubba burgers ARE good and I'll doctor them up in an endless variety
> of ways.

Our homemade Bubbas are _better_.
