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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Brownie recipe (forwarded from another list)

In article >,
(Pinstripe Sniper) wrote:

> spamtrap1888 > wrote:
> >Having been in procurement, I can appreciate that every line spelling
> >out requirements was borne of bitter experience dealing with suppliers
> >trying to make the most profit they can. (why prohibit use of rancid
> >fats? Because experience taught them if it wasn't in the spec, people
> >would use rancid fat.)

> I've read about maggot infested beef being supplied to troops in the
> Spanish American war. To be fair, the flies may have laid eggs in the
> meat after it was sold to the Army.
> I actually like most MRE items (except for Ham omelet - sorry Omelet!)
> And I dunno if the MRE brownies I tried (over a dozen) were the same
> recipe but they were acceptable - tasted slightly "preservative-ish"
> but understandable considering the shelf life. I don't know/remember
> if they actually had preservatives or if the flavor was due to age.
> PsS

Do you purchase outdated MRE's?
Peace! Om

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