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Darryl L. Pierce
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Default what do u use to store bulk grains, flour etc., ?

anita wrote:

> I am looking for a good way that does not involve freezing to store
> wheat flour, rice etc., which I buy in bulk.
> I know they would be better off in an airtight container, but where do
> I find air-tight containers, but I dont know where to buy them.

They're probably not large enough for your needs, but I use acrylic
containers I bought from Walmart and the like to store flour, etc. What
doesn't fit into the container I store in resealable plastic bags. I go
through so much flour that I don't have a problem with it getting bad.

> I also dont know where to buy jars which I can add rubber stoppers to
> and the stoppers themselves (as someone suggested in an old post)

Try Walmart. The containers I use are reasonably priced, cheap and easy to
use. Also, try Bed, Bath & Beyond.

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