Bag for crushing ice.
On Mon, 24 May 2010 08:32:03 +0000 (UTC), Handy Gandy wrote:
> Hmm. Seems a bit noncooking to ask here but...
> Just got a blender, sugar free coffee syrup. I make a block of ice in an
> old salad/bbq chicken nugget container. Crush the ice in a blender, add
> fruit a bit of coffee syrup maybe some more splenda, blend. Got something
> cool to drink that is free of sugar except what is in the fruit.
> Problem: Just chucking in the block of ice doesn't work. Breaking it into
> four or five big pieces doesn't work. Ok so I pulverize the ice before
> putting it in the blender, no biggie. just put said block of ice in a bag
> put a thick hardcover on top and wail on the hardcover with a meat
> tenderizer. ( Makes more uniform chunks. )
> Problem is that the usual suspects: zip lock bags don't work. Been there
> done it, they tear. Saw something online for the job a thick vinyl bag
> but expensive as hell. Also something called a lewis bag. That too is
> expensive.
> Can someone suggest cheap bags?
> Thanks and sorry for being so mundane.
A small vinyl bag - like the kind your travel iron come in. Or a
small vinyl laundry bag (kinda big, I guess). I don't know what
else comes with it;'s own small vinyl bag.
Why not make ice in... check this out... Ice Cube Trays. They even
come in little itty bitty cube sizes.