Bag for crushing ice.
Sqwertz wrote:
> On Mon, 24 May 2010 08:32:03 +0000 (UTC), Handy Gandy wrote:
>> Problem is that the usual suspects: zip lock bags don't work. Been
>> there done it, they tear. Saw something online for the job a thick
>> vinyl bag but expensive as hell. Also something called a lewis bag.
>> That too is expensive.
>> Can someone suggest cheap bags?
>> Thanks and sorry for being so mundane.
> A small vinyl bag - like the kind your travel iron come in. Or a
> small vinyl laundry bag (kinda big, I guess). I don't know what
> else comes with it;'s own small vinyl bag.
You can buy some vinyl type of fabric at the fabric store and
make your own bags or just bunch it up around the ice. I also
don't get why you are making a block of ice instead of cubes,
but I guess you have your reasons.