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isw isw is offline
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Default Toxic glue found in labels used on packaged meats

In article >,
Mark Thorson > wrote:

> A toxic component of adhesive labels can pass
> through plastic film and contaminate the contents.

Interestingly, they didn't bother to mention what those "toxic
compounds" were.

"The chemical, which is in the same class of toxicity as mercury,
asbestos and hydrochloric acid, can seep through and contaminate food,
according to a study."

Well, yeah, all three are "toxic" (sort of; your stomach is full of HCl)
but in totally different ways, so "in the same class of" is total
nonsense. Unless the "class" they're talking about is "very".

"It could pose a 'particularly severe risk to health' as highly toxic
chemicals can cause organ failure and even death in high doses."

I wish they'd mentioned how many labels you'd have to eat to get a "high
dosage". I bet it's a *whole lot*.

That sort of information-free article always makes me suspect there's
some sensationalism going on.
