"Nils Gustaf Lindgren" > wrote:
>> True. And definitely on the very sweet side ("Ausbruch").
> So, a _sweet_ Pinot Noir?
Yes. "Ausbruch" in Hungarian is "Aszù", a term you probaly know
from Tokaj. In Austria, Ausbruch ranges between Beerenauslese and
Trockenbeerenauslese, requiring a minimum must weight of 139°Oe =
38.1°Brix (BA is 127°Oe = 29.4°Brix, TBA 156°Oe = 35.3°Brix). But
I am 100% sure that this wine is sweetened and not a botrytis
Btw, you can find botrytised reds in Austria; Alois Kracher
regularly has a red TBA in his collection, usually from zweigelt.
> That´s ... odd.
> (Now I know somebody´s gonna tell me about the really _great_
> sweet PN's made in Outer Mongolia or from this small but perfect
> plot in ... you name it ... and I´m sooo looking forward to it!)
I've had a few pinot noir TBAs: Usually rather very light in
colour, and not something that gets me excited.