Need help About this wine - I'm a newbie at wine
Cwdjrx _ wrote:
> Nils states:"So, a _sweet_ Pinot Noir? That´s ... odd. (Now I know
> somebody´s gonna tell me about the really _great_ sweet PN's made in
> Outer Mongolia or from this small but perfect plot in ... you name it
> .. and I´m sooo looking forward to it!)".
> You may only have to go to Germany to find a sweet Pinot Noir. Perhaps
> some is even exported to your country. Spätburgunder, as it is called
> in Germany, is Pinot Noir. It is grown in several parts of Germany, but
> for a long time at Assmannshausen in the Rheingau. The dry wine made
> from Spätburgunder there in many years is very light and nearly a pink
> wine.
I bought a bottle of dry Assmanshäuser red the first time I visited
Rheingau. It was marketed as a local specialty so I did not have much
expectations for it and was therefore not disappointed.
I can't remember the producer any more, but there was not much to
remember anyway. Light and thin are good descriptors for at least this
wine. There might, however, be better examples of red from
Assmanshausen, but based on the one bottle I've had I would not want to
spend my time on a random search for them.
-Topi Kuusinen, Finland