Need help About this wine - I'm a newbie at wine
"Michael Pronay" > wrote in message
> No. Ausbruch must readings (according to Austrian wine law) would
> mean an alcohol content of 20%, so Ausbruch can never be dry.
> > Wouldn't the common Bordeaux grapes reach sugar levels equal to
> > Ausbruch, by the way?
> Absolutely not - except if you talk about Sauternes, Monbazillac
> et. al. in very good years.
Thank you Michael - I should have been aware that Ausbruch was that high up
in must readings! See now by Google that it is at least 27 KMW = about 139
Oechsle = about 31.7 Brix. Maybe not too impressive in California or
Morocco but certainly a quite high level in more northern areas!