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dsi1[_10_] dsi1[_10_] is offline
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Default Ketchup/Catsup Tips

On 5/25/2010 1:14 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
> I don't mind my fries dipped in ketchup, but if they're really good,
> I just like salt. However, I do have a weakness for mayo on my fries,
> long before I heard about those Belgians. Heh. Mayo mixed
> with ketchup, too.

I've never had mayo and fries, then again, I've never had teri-fries
until today. One of my new favorite sauces is mayo and Sriracha sauce
mixed together with a little sesame oil. I like to make mine pretty hot
but you can make it milder if that's your thing. This goes great with
raw tuna.

Rumor has it that mayo is the secret ingredient used in the famous
spaghetti and chili of the restaurant which is below my office. My
friend likes to add mayo to his spaghetti sauce. I think that's weird
but the guy is a pretty upstanding guy otherwise. :-) Some folks like to
slather on a layer of mayo on fish before baking. Weird, but I think
it's a great way to prepare fish. The weird little thing that I like to
do is to make grilled cheese sandwiches using mayo instead of butter. It
makes a beautiful and tasty sandwich but it's weird - I guess nobody's
perfect, eh? :-)

> Sweet teriyaki, I'd try it.
> nancy