Could somebody please give me a definition of...
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Posts: 2,727
Could somebody please give me a definition of...
Don Martinich wrote:
> In article >,
(Victor Sack) wrote:
>> As to the all-American dishes, beef steaks and roast prime rib come
>> immediately to mind. By the way, it is interesting that such cuts as
>> porterhouse, t-bone, or ribeye appear to be relatively recent phenomena.
>> When I look at the menus from as late as the 1960s, virtually the only
>> steaks listed are sirloin steak, tenderloin steak, filet mignon, minute
>> steak and an occasional chateaubriand.
> Your menu sample is inadequate for whatever reason. The steak cuts from
> the short loin of the beef; the porterhouse, t-bone, and the strip
> (known in California as the New York Cut) or the ribeye (aka ribsteak)
> have shown up on menus here in the West since the 19th century. Meat cut
> nomenclature in the US can be pretty confusing. For instance, what we
> call a New York cut is known in other parts of the country as a Kansas
> City cut, a club steak, or just a plain strip steak. So that might be
> part of your problem? The idea that restaurants would not serve the
> premium cuts from beef in a beef eating country is just not valid.
> D.M.
In addition, working from a (restaurant?) menu won't give you a true
picture of what was available. It's not very common except at
dedicated steakhouses to see bone-in steaks, is it?
gloria p
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