George Foreman grill question
On May 25, 10:16*am, dsi1 > wrote:
> On 5/24/2010 7:37 PM, wrote:
> > I was actually thinking of asking about this. Are different types of
> > bacon better for the purposes of producing bacon grease? I don't
> > actually need bacon, though I enjoy it. But I am using the bacon
> > grease to flavor beans. I'd like to get as much possible grease from
> > the effort as possible.
> The bacon ends are a good idea. Our Safeway sells a 3 lb package of the
> stuff. I would put the whole mess in a big pan and cook the whole thing.
> You'll end up deep frying the bacon so you shouldn't use too high a heat
> otherwise you'll end up burning the bacon. You might want to use half a
> bag to get a handle on the method.
> If you're flavoring beans, you may want to consider using the rendered
> bacon rather than the fat. Even better would be real bacon bits. You
> probably could pick up a big bag at Costco. It's a pretty good product.
> Greasy beans is not too appetizing I think. Good luck!
I'm using canned refried beans (I'm not good at making them) for bean
dip. But they are now vegetarian blend which is kind of bland. So,
when I make a bowl of bean dip, I add about half a teaspoon of the
bacon grease. Not enough to make them greasy, and I don't taste the
bacon. But they don't have that odd bland taste anymore.