Roasting vegetables: your favourite method(s)?
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Mark Thorson > wrote:
> >
> > The only vegetable I ever roasted in quantity
> > was Roma tomatoes. Just halve them, put them
> > under the broiler, and blast away until they
> > have a black crust. They were good for a lot
> > of things. It enhances the flavor to both
> > char them and bake off a lot of water.
> >
> > I did onions too, but the tomatoes are what
> > really benefitted from this treatment.
> Kinda like sun dried tomatoes?
> Om -> curious
A little, but they were full of caramelized juice,
which gave them more flavor than simple drying.
Also, they weren't leathery like the dried things.
They still retained much more moisture than dried.