In article >,
"Paul M. Cook" > wrote:
> > Okay, perhaps not there, but here, the frog legs I find commercially are
> > usually farm raised bullfrogs. :-)
> I am pretty sure toads are an invasive species in Australia. Eating them
> would actually be a good thing.
But are they edible?
Toads can be kinda iffy due to toxic skin compounds?
> >> And good on you for sparing the turtles.
> >>
> >> Paul
> >
> > I like turtles! And there are not many in the wild anymore except for
> > maybe red-ears in the south...
> >
> > The biggest problem with bullfrogs is that they are big enough to eat
> > any other frogs so devastate native species.
> >
> > Or so I have read...
> > --
> My sister works for California Fish and Game and she tells me frog poaching,
> for restaurant supply, has all but obliterated the frog populations in many
> parts of California.
> Farm raising frogs is pretty hard as they require pretty clean environments
> to thrive. It's hard to replicate an environment where they can grow.
> Whichis why frogs are used as an indicator spcies of the health of a
> wetland. The more frogs the better. So people take short cuts and go out
> frogging in the middle of the night. Its just easier and there is so very
> little enforcement of game laws.
> And again, who needs frogs legs? Or turtles? Or bison? Or kangaroo? Or
> ostrich? Vanity foods I call them.
> Paul
Funny you should say that. I feel similarly to paying outrageous prices
for ANY animal flesh. For instance, paying $12.00 per lb. for things
like ultra prime beef when I can get Lobster for a lot less and eat it
with a good chuck eye steak.;-d
And FYI, ostrich sold in stores is generally farmed. They've been
farmed for an eternity for meat, hides, feathers and egg shells.
Peace! Om
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