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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default Dinner last night, using leftover burgers, was ...

On May 27, 3:03*pm, Ranée at Arabian Knits >
> In article
> >,
> *Cindy Hamilton > wrote:
> > On May 27, 12:49*pm, "Steve Freides" > wrote:
> > > ... three caramelized onions, cooked in olive oil with three cubes of
> > > the frozen, crushed garlic. *Crumble leftover burgers into onions after
> > > you turn off the heat, let it sit for an hour or so before eating so the
> > > meat takes on some of the flavor of the onions and oil.

> > We never have leftover burgers. *We make two: *one for him and
> > one for me.

> * *We cook for eight people every day, sometimes more if we have guests. *
> So, we make more than enough for eight people. *You never know when
> someone will want seconds, is on a growth spurt or whatever. *Lately,
> the children have been eating like locusts, they're growing. *We could
> never get away with making just eight burgers for dinner.

I've no idea what it's like to feed children. I can't even remember
about being one. But for two middle-aged people, one burger apiece
is the right amount. We only have guests a few times a year, and it's
generally a planned dinner party.

Sure, we make leftovers on purpose. A big pot of spaghetti sauce or
chili gets parceled out into bags and frozen. We always make
on the weekend that he can use for lunches. (No point roasting just

But hamburgers? I'd rather use fresh meat than leftover burgers.

Everybody is busy, one way or another. Even my retired mother says
she doesn't know where the time goes.

Cindy Hamilton