Thread: Lunch pic
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Lou decruss Lou decruss is offline
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Default Lunch pic

On Thu, 27 May 2010 19:52:24 +0000 (UTC), piedmont >

>On Thu, 27 May 2010 18:55:35 +0100, Janet Baraclough wrote:
>>> The picture is captioned, you never heard of a Reuben?

>> No, what is it? .
>> Janet

>Rye bread with pastrami, swiss cheese, sour kraut, russian dressing,

Corned beef is traditional and thousand island is used more in these
parts. There was a place here in the 70's that served them open faced
and baked/broiled. They were served with big ass fries and cost as
much as a steak dinner. My buddies and I would get all stoned and go
chow on them. They were pretty lax so we could always get pitchers of
beer as minors. I'm a pretty big guy but I don't think I ever
finished one. I wanna say they were like $8.95 which was a lot back
then for a teenager. I still make them like that at home once in
awhile but I don't think I've ever seen them in a restaurant like

Thanks for the memory.
