Thread: Eye of round
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Sqwertz[_37_] Sqwertz[_37_] is offline
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Posts: 91
Default Eye of round

On Sat, 29 May 2010 04:41:00 +0200 (CEST), Anonymous wrote:

> Hi. I'm seeing eye of round roasts at $2.99 per pound. That's
> a good deal here. So I wish to buy maybe a two pound chunk.
> I like it's flavour and leaness. There are parts of the eye
> that make a decent (somewhat chewy though) steak. Some parts
> of the eye make a horrible steak; completely tough. So my
> question is: what part of the eye is most tender? Cuts toward
> the tapered end, or towards the other end?

It's all a single muscle. It should have the same consistency

But the tapered end will overcook easily, possibly giving it the
impression that's it's tougher.

I haven't bought an eye of round roast since I was 19 years old.
It was probably the biggest piece of meat I'd ever bought at the
time. Cooked it up just fine, but there was this big, honking
1.5" round tumor about one" into the slicing of the roast.

Threw it out and never looked at another eye since.
