The Wine Guide by Wine Enthusiast for Palm also works great not only for the
Palm series but also on the Sony Clie handhelds.
"Robert Stevahn" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 16:14:26 +0100, Mike Tommasi >
> wrote:
> >A friend has jsut picked up one of those Treo cell phones with
> >built-in Palm. He asked me whether I knew of any Palm SW for keeping
> >tasting notes. How about newgroup readers?
> >
> >Any ideas?
> I've used this on both Palm and Pocket PC. In addition to vintage
> charts and tasting notes, it has capable cellaring software (including
> wish lists and personal tasting notes).
> The Pocket PC version has a serious defect that prevents the cellaring
> software from running on the latest version of the Pocket PC OS, but
> that won't be a problem for your friend.
> -- Robert