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James Silverton[_4_] James Silverton[_4_] is offline
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Default Dried Beans -- Minimum reasonable soaking time

Steve wrote on Sat, 29 May 2010 15:07:58 +0000 (UTC):

>> if canned garbanzo beans with salt what about rinsing them?
>> will that remove some/most/all salt?

> I believe the sodium value listed on the can is for drained
> beans. Maybe rinsing or soaking would remove some of that. I
> always rinse canned beans. (Well, not refried beans. )

> There is 1.3 grams of sodium in a can of TJ's gabanzos; I bet
> even after rinsing there is 0.5 gram in a half-can serving.
> That's pretty significant if you're trying to keep daily
> sodium to 2 grams a day or less.

I don't dispute that the garbanzos will retain some salt after rinsing
but does anyone have any real numbers? All I can say is that they don't
taste very salty and hummus made without using any of the canning
liquid seems to require salt to me.


James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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