O/T: Clothes Lines
Dave Smith > wrote:
> Some people have no money smarts. My nephew just got married
> a few months ago. He and his wife are marginally employed and
> don't have much money, except for tattoos. They used wedding
> present money to fly out to Edmonton to visit her brother.... for
> two days. Hardly worth flying close to 3,000 for three days IMO.
> Last week she posted a picture of her newest tattoo on
> FaceBook, a tree that covers most of the left side of her
> back. Two days later she posed about needing to come up with
> $22,000 for tuition. I must be different, aside from my personal
> aversion to tattoos..... trailer trash artwork, I would be
> worrying about tuition before I spent a lot of money on a tattoo.
One thing that was pointed out to me that I hadn't intuited
was that tattoos indicate "access to wealth that nobody can
take away from you"... unlike a fancy car it can't be stolen
or repossessed. A large tattoo means you at one point either
had enough money to pay for it, or were worth that much to
somebody else.