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Lou decruss Lou decruss is offline
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Default Italian sausage burgers with peppers and onions.

On Sat, 29 May 2010 15:35:57 -0400, brooklyn1
> wrote:

>Kristi DeFalco > wrote:
>>This isn't your everyday burger usually seen at backyard barbecues.
>>The Italian sausage burger is a take on the classic sausage, peppers
>>and onions, normally served as sausage links with peppers and onions
>>in Italian bread. By substituting some of the pork with turkey we
>>lowered the saturated fat, without sacrificing all the flavor.

>That's dago dumb... why not simply make-a your saw-seege with leaner
>pork? aduh

Whenever I see a recipe that calls for sausage removed from casings it
goes downhill from there. Ground turkey breast is equivalent to
sawdust. Bell peppers are a wonderful thing but melrose or what
you've called frying peppers would be much better. Even ramiro
(ancient) would be better. And the extra seasonings the recipe calls
for is overkill if using hot sausage. I'm not sure what to say about
the pasta sauce in there. And I would use red onions. Overall I'd
say the recipe sucks so I agree with you're "aduh" but I think this is
a drive-by spammer. I'm not clicking further to find out.
