"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "KW" > wrote:
>> Finally had a day when the confluence of weather, dryish ground and time
>> (been in Minn-e-sota the last week or so...shhhh don't tell Mom that I
>> didn't have time to stop by and see her)
>> KW
> Never mind Mom.
> Sorry I didn't know < I'd've browbeat you into a cup of coffee.
> Whereabouts were you? Better not have been in the Twin Cities.
Errrrr,,,Ummmmmm....Not so much to the Twin Cities exactly, more like just
through them. Flew in to MSP and then drove to our office in the Blaine/Ham
Lake area.
Next time I'm gonna be in town more than just a few hours, I'll give you a
> --
> Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> http://web.me.com/barbschaller
> Updated 4-24-2010 with food story and pictures