O/T: Clothes Lines
gloria.p wrote:
> Steve Pope wrote:
>> One thing that was pointed out to me that I hadn't intuited
>> was that tattoos indicate "access to wealth that nobody can
>> take away from you"... unlike a fancy car it can't be stolen
>> or repossessed. A large tattoo means you at one point either
>> had enough money to pay for it, or were worth that much to
>> somebody else.
> To many of my generation, it means that you:
> 1. have horrible taste and self-image
> 2. are an exhibitionist
> 3. don't care how you spend your money
> 4. are trying to attract scummy people
> 5. don't ever expect to grow up beyond today
> 6. were drunk and stupid at the same time.
> etc. etc. etc.
> I don't care if you are a concert musician or a nuclear physicist,
> a tattoo is ugly and self-mutilation.
My nephew has a ton of tattoos. Every time he shows me his latest tat I
tell him the same thing ... "You know those things are permanent don't you".