Peppermint Patootie > wrote:
> Nick Cramer > wrote:
> > Peppermint Patootie > wrote:
> > [ . . . ]
> > > I'm heading to Provincetown for a week in August, and I'm looking
> > > forward to having some very fresh fish then. For those unfamiliar
> > > with it: P'town is at the curled-under tip of Cape Cod, that
[ . . . ]
> > Have a wonderful week!
> Thanks! We have got to import a *** man into our troupe! The one not
> claiming an initial is my soon-to-be 15 year-old niece. She's probably
> straight, but I've made clear to her that she doesn't have to make any
> decisions about claiming any labels until she's ready. With a T parent
> and a B aunt, she knows she has options. ;-)
Heh heh! Import? LMAO
Your conversations with your niece sound very thoughtful. Ah, hormones.
When I was a teenager, my testosterone made me a c**thound! I don't know
when or how you made your decision to be YOU! By the time I graduated high
school in '52, I had never met anyone who acknowledged that they were ***.
The times they are slowly a'changing. In this area, I think that's good.
My FBG was 102 today. I took 100 mg of Thai herb for it. Haven't eaten,
yet. Still waiting for dinner, when the daughter gets home. Mangia! Mangia!
Nick, KI6VAV. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their
families: Thank a Veteran!
Support Our Troops: You are not forgotten.
Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~ USMC 1365061