In article >,
Nick Cramer > wrote:
> Peppermint Patootie > wrote:
> > Alas, the large supermarket most easily accessed by me is in a labor
> > dispute. Their warehouse workers are on strike, and I try not to cross
> > picket lines, physical or conceptual.
> When possible, stop, take a sign and walk with them for a while. Can be
> very enlightening.
Oh, I've walked picket lines. The thing is, the picket lines outside
Shaws/Star Market are not physical. Any picket lines involving people
with signs are at the warehouse, where the striking workers worked. I
don't cross the threshold of Star/Shaws out of principle, and I have to
keep reminding myself, because it was almost automatic -- heading up
there after work on Thursday or Friday. *sigh*