In article >,
Nick Cramer > wrote:
> > Thanks! We have got to import a *** man into our troupe! The one not
> > claiming an initial is my soon-to-be 15 year-old niece. She's probably
> > straight, but I've made clear to her that she doesn't have to make any
> > decisions about claiming any labels until she's ready. With a T parent
> > and a B aunt, she knows she has options. ;-)
> Heh heh! Import? LMAO
> Your conversations with your niece sound very thoughtful.
I'm her biological female information source. Her father is transgender
and can relate as a woman but can't talk from personal experience about
female body changes since her body is male, and her mother has mental
health issues that make relating to her daughter in that way not
With me, nothing is off-limits for discussion or reading ("Any book in
my house that you can reach is OK for you to read. I know you'll ask me
questions about anything that confuses you."), and she's come to believe
me when I say about something that "I think you'll enjoy [xyz] more when
you're a bit older," largely because I'll explain why I'm saying that,
if she asks.
> Ah, hormones.
> When I was a teenager, my testosterone made me a c**thound!
I'm sorry, but I don't like people to use that word even when it's
> I don't know
> when or how you made your decision to be YOU! By the time I graduated high
> school in '52, I had never met anyone who acknowledged that they were ***.
> The times they are slowly a'changing. In this area, I think that's good.
Yes. I didn't begin coming out until I got sober at 31. I'm not sure
I've yet achieved a total decision to be me. I still find bits that I
need to work on.
Nice chatting with you.